This post describes some Sorting Algorithms that we use for sorting an unsorted array.
From top (the best) to bottom (bad).
Quick Sort
Time: |
Best: O (n log(n))
Average: O (n log(n))
Worst: O (n^2)
Space: | O (log(n)), in-place |
Step: |
def quickSort(arr):
# the operation of comparing head, tail ele with pivot
# swap ele on tail < pivot with ele on head > pivot
# continue until head >= tail
# return head as the end position of left partion of the original array
def partition (arr, head, tail, pivot):
while (head <= tail):
while(arr[head] < pivot):
head += 1
while(arr[tail] > pivot):
tail -= 1
if(head <= tail):
# if equal, still moving pointer one time
if(head != tail):
swap(arr, head, tail)
head += 1
tail -= 1
return head
# recursively sorting
def sorting(arr,head,tail):
# if head == tail, only 1 element
# if head > tail, no way
if (head < tail):
pivot = arr[int((head + tail) / 2)] # pick the middle element as pivot
new_head = partition(arr,head,tail,pivot)
sorting(arr, 0, len(arr)-1)
return arr
Merge Sort
Time: | O (n log(n)), for all cases |
Space: | O (n) |
Step: |
def mergeSort(arr):
# Merge low array and high array
# low and high array should be sorted for themself on the way from 2 elements
# - compare the head 2 elements from two arrays
# - take the small one and append to new arrays
# - repeat until the end of one array
# - then append the rest of elements from the one that still have elements
def merge(low, high):
i = 0
j = 0
merged = []
while i < len(low) and j < len(high):
if low[i] < high[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
# one of these two arrays will be empty (that's how we exited the loop)
# so, it's always safe to just add the rest of the elements for both
return merged + low[i:] + high[j:]
length = len(arr)
halfLength = int(length/2)
# base case, if our list is 0, or 1 element, the its sorted
if length <= 1:
return arr
# recursive case: split the list in half
# sort the halves
# merge the lists together
low = mergeSort(arr[0:halfLength])
high = mergeSort(arr[halfLength:length])
arr = merge(low,high)
return arr
Heap sort
Time: | O (n log(n)), for all cases |
Space: | O (1), in-places |
Step: |
# 11(0)
# / \
# / \
# 10(1) 8(2)
# / \ \
# / \ |
# 4(3) 9(4) 7(5)
# ==> array = [11, 10, 8, 4, 9, 7]
def heapSort(arr):
# Make a Max heap for the array
# Not a completed heapify fnc !!!
def heapify(arr, length, i):
leftChild = 2*i +1
rightChild = 2*i +2
largest = i
if (leftChild < length and arr[i] < arr[leftChild]):
largest = leftChild
if(rightChild < length and arr[largest] < arr[rightChild]):
largest = rightChild
if(largest != i):
swap(arr, i, largest)
heapify(arr, length, largest) # just swap the largest with the root
# root node now on previous largest
# position, continue pushing down
# the root node as needed
node = len(arr)
# start from last index of the array (last node)
# build Max heap from subtree
# so Maximum # can be pushed up to the top of tree
for i in range(node,-1,-1): # node, node-1, node-2, ..., 1, 0
while(node > 1):
swap(arr, 0, node-1) # 2
node -= 1 # 3
heapify(arr,node,0) # 4
return arr
Insertion sort
Time: |
Best: O ( n ), sorted array
Avg: O ( n^2 ), random array
Worst: O ( n^2 ), reverse sorted array
Space: | O (1), in-place |
Step: |
def insertionSort(arr):
length = len(arr)
# start by inserting 1st element, comparing with 0th element
for i in range(1, length):
while(i > 0) and (arr[i] < arr[i-1]):
swap(arr,i,i-1) i -= 1 # if new insered element > last element
# no need to compare and swap
return arr
# same algorithm, different operation
# here using a temp var to hold
# new element to be inserted
# ----------------(Faster than above)-------------------------
def insertionSort2(arr):
for i in range(1,len(arr)):
newElement = arr[i] # new element to be inserted to sorted array
j = i-1
while j>=0 and arr[j]>newElement: # if most right ele > new ele
arr[j+1] = arr[j] # swap to left
j = j -1
arr[j+1] = newElement
return arr
Selection sort
Time: |
O ( n^2 ), for all cases
Space: | O ( 1 ), in-place |
Step: |
def selectionSort(arr):
# returns the index of the minimum element in an array
# O(n)
def minIndex(a, low, high):
mIndex = low
for i in range(low+1,high): # low+1 ~ high-1
if a[i] < a[mIndex]:
mIndex = i
return mIndex
for i in range(len(arr)-1): # 0 ~ (len - 2)
swap(arr, i, minIndex(arr, i, len(arr)))
return arr
Bubble sort
Time: |
O ( n^2 ), for all cases
Space: | O ( 1 ), in-place |
Step: |
def bubbleSort(arr):
length = len(arr)
while length > 1:
for i in range( length-1 ):
if(arr[i] > arr[i+1]):
swap(arr, i, i+1)
length -= 1
return arr
Counting sort
Time: |
O ( n + k ), for all cases
Space: |
O ( k ), two temp arrays C[k], S[n]
Step: |
def countingSort(arr, maxKey, minKey):
length = len(arr)
key_range = maxKey - minKey
# create a temp arr with size range
# O (k)
C = []
for i in range(key_range):
# counting how many duplicated same element
for i in range(0, len(arr)):
C[arr[i] - minKey] += 1
# counting target index of each element should be
# in sorted version
for i in range(0,key_range):
C[i] = C[i] + C[i-1]
# create a sorted array
S = [None] * length
for i in range(0, length):
S[ C[ arr[i] - minKey ] ] = arr[i]
C[ arr[i] - minKey ] -= 1
return S
Bucket sort
Time: |
Best: O ( n ), all element uniformly distributed
Worst: O ( n^2 ), all elements map to the same bucket
Space: | O ( n ) |
Step: |
def bucketSort(arr):
length = len(arr)
B = [None] * length
# create array B
for i in range(0, length):
B[i] = []
# create subarray of B
for i in range(1, length):
B[ length * arr[i]] = arr[i]
# sort each subarray of B
for i in range(0, length):
insertionSort2( B[i] ) # O (i^2)
# concat all subarray of B
S = []
for i in range(0, length):
S += B[i]
return S
Radix sort
Time: |
O ( Dn ), in all cases
Space: |
O ( Dn ), countingSort costs O (n), D iterations
Step: |
def radixSort(arr, digit):
for i in range(digit): # how many digit of a number
# usea a stable sort to sort Array of number on digit i
# counting sort is the best
# since there are only 10 digits 0 ~ 9
i = 0
return arr