Sorting Algorithms
Post By kanra
Blogs Sorting Algorithms

This post describes some Sorting Algorithms that we use for sorting an unsorted array.

From top (the best) to bottom (bad).


Quick Sort


Best: O (n log(n))
Average: O (n log(n))
Worst: O (n^2)
Space: O (log(n)), in-place
  • 1. swapping element on the original array
  • 2. pick a pivot at any posistion (e.g. index at the middle)
  • 3. using a head pointer (index 0) and a tail pointer (index length-1) pointing to the first and last element
  • 4. if head element < pivot, head pointer go right
  • 5. if tail element > pivot, tail pointer go left
  • 6. else, swap head and tail element (head >= pivot, tail <= pivot, sort them ==> tail, pivot, head ), then move head, tail pointer
  • 7. continue while head < tail index
  • 8. separate the original array into two parts, one from 0 ~ head, one from head+1 ~ tail
  • 9. repeat steps for each 2 parts




def quickSort(arr):

    # the operation of comparing head, tail ele with pivot
    # swap ele on tail < pivot with ele on head > pivot
    # continue until head >= tail 
    # return head as the end position of left partion of the original array
    def partition (arr, head, tail, pivot):
        while (head <= tail):
            while(arr[head] < pivot): 
                head += 1 
            while(arr[tail] > pivot):
                tail -= 1
            if(head <= tail): 
                # if equal, still moving pointer one time 
                if(head != tail): 
                    swap(arr, head, tail) 
                head += 1 
                tail -= 1 
        return head 

    # recursively sorting 
    def sorting(arr,head,tail): 
        # if head == tail, only 1 element 
        # if head > tail, no way
        if (head < tail):
            pivot = arr[int((head + tail) / 2)]         # pick the middle element as pivot
            new_head = partition(arr,head,tail,pivot)

    sorting(arr, 0, len(arr)-1)
    return arr



Merge Sort


Time: O (n log(n)), for all cases
Space: O (n)
  • 1. divide the array into half
  • 2. then again divide the half into half, repeat until to 1 element
  • 3. then begin merge from 2 elements
  • 4. then repeating merging on the way back to the original size of array



def mergeSort(arr):

    # Merge low array and high array
    # low and high array should be sorted for themself on the way from 2 elements 
    # - compare the head 2 elements from two arrays
    # - take the small one and append to new arrays
    # - repeat until the end of one array
    # - then append the rest of elements from the one that still have elements
    def merge(low, high):
        i = 0
        j = 0
        merged = []
        while i < len(low) and j < len(high):
            if low[i] < high[j]:
                i += 1
                j += 1

        # one of these two arrays will be empty (that's how we exited the loop)
        # so, it's always safe to just add the rest of the elements for both
        return merged + low[i:] + high[j:]


    length = len(arr)
    halfLength = int(length/2)

    # base case, if our list is 0, or 1 element, the its sorted
    if length <= 1:
        return arr

    # recursive case: split the list in half
    # sort the halves
    # merge the lists together
    low = mergeSort(arr[0:halfLength])
    high = mergeSort(arr[halfLength:length])
    arr = merge(low,high)

    return arr



Heap sort


Time: O (n log(n)), for all cases
Space: O (1), in-places
  • 1. Build a Max heap taking element from the array (in order) (logically in array position)
  • 2. swap 1st node (largest) with the last node
  • 3. then delete last node (largest, already placed at the end of array)
  • 4. Maintain the Max heap (Max heap: parent node value >= children nodes )
  • 5. while parent node < children node, swap them as need (using array index)
    – (parent at index n, then left child is index 2n+1, right child is 2n+2)
  • 6. while node in heap > 1, repeat 2 ~ 5



#            11(0)
#           / \
#          /   \
#         10(1)  8(2)
#        / \     \
#       /   \     |
#      4(3) 9(4) 7(5)
#           ==> array = [11, 10, 8, 4, 9, 7]
def heapSort(arr):

    # Make a Max heap for the array
    # Not a completed heapify fnc !!!
    def heapify(arr, length, i):
        leftChild = 2*i +1
        rightChild = 2*i +2
        largest = i

        if (leftChild < length and arr[i] < arr[leftChild]):
            largest = leftChild

        if(rightChild < length and arr[largest] < arr[rightChild]):
            largest = rightChild

        if(largest != i): 
            swap(arr, i, largest) 
            heapify(arr, length, largest) # just swap the largest with the root 
                                          # root node now on previous largest 
                                          # position, continue pushing down 
                                          # the root node as needed 

    node = len(arr) 

    # start from last index of the array (last node) 
    # build Max heap from subtree 
    # so Maximum # can be pushed up to the top of tree 
    for i in range(node,-1,-1): # node, node-1, node-2, ..., 1, 0 

    while(node > 1):
        swap(arr, 0, node-1)    # 2
        node -= 1               # 3
        heapify(arr,node,0)     # 4

    return arr



Insertion sort


Best: O ( n ), sorted array
Avg: O ( n^2 ), random array
Worst: O ( n^2 ), reverse sorted array
Space: O (1), in-place
  • 1. start by (logically) inserting 0th element in the array
  • 2. then 1st, compare with 0th, then swap as needed
  • 3. then 2nd, compare with 1st, if 2nd < 1st, swap, then contine compare with 0th
  • 4. then 3rd, compare with 2nd, ….
  • 5. continue up to length-1



def insertionSort(arr):
    length = len(arr)

    # start by inserting 1st element, comparing with 0th element
    for i in range(1, length):
        while(i > 0) and (arr[i] < arr[i-1]): 
            swap(arr,i,i-1) i -= 1       # if new insered element > last element
                                         # no need to compare and swap

    return arr

# same algorithm, different operation
# here using a temp var to hold 
# new element to be inserted
# ----------------(Faster than above)------------------------- 
def insertionSort2(arr):
    for i in range(1,len(arr)):
        newElement = arr[i]     # new element to be inserted to sorted array
        j = i-1
        while j>=0 and arr[j]>newElement:   # if most right ele > new ele
            arr[j+1] = arr[j]               # swap to left
            j = j -1
        arr[j+1] = newElement
    return arr



Selection sort


O ( n^2 ), for all cases
Space: O ( 1 ), in-place
  • 1. Select the minimum element in the array
  • 2. swap it with the one at the front.
  • 3. continue until exhausted



def selectionSort(arr):

    # returns the index of the minimum element in an array
    # O(n)
    def minIndex(a, low, high):
        mIndex = low
        for i in range(low+1,high):     # low+1 ~ high-1
            if a[i] < a[mIndex]:
                mIndex = i
        return mIndex


    for i in range(len(arr)-1):     # 0 ~ (len - 2)
        swap(arr, i, minIndex(arr, i, len(arr)))
    return arr



Bubble sort


O ( n^2 ), for all cases
Space: O ( 1 ), in-place
  • 1. start by swaping first two ele (if 1st > 2nd )
  • 2. then swapping 2nd and 3rd, then 3rd and 4th, ….
  • 3. after one cycly, total length – 1
  • 4. continue while total length > 1
  • 1st cycle: 7, 4, 5, 2 -> 4, 7, 5, 2 -> 4, 5, 7, 2, -> 4, 5, 2, 7
  • 2nd cycle: 4, 5, 2, 7 -> 4, 5, 2, 7 -> 4, 2, 5, 7
  • 3rd cycle: 4, 2, 5, 7 -> 2, 4, 5, 7



def bubbleSort(arr):
    length = len(arr)
    while length > 1:
        for i in range( length-1 ):
            if(arr[i] > arr[i+1]):
                swap(arr, i, i+1)
        length -= 1

    return arr



Counting sort


O ( n + k ), for all cases
O ( k ), two temp arrays C[k], S[n]
  • For each element in specific range X ~ Y (e.g. 100 to 200)
  • then range is 100
  • When range of element is large, this will be slow
  • 1. create a temp arr with size range for counting
  • 2. counting how many duplicated same element
  • 3. counting target index of each element should be in the sorted version
  • 4. create another array to put the sorted array



def countingSort(arr, maxKey, minKey):
    length = len(arr)
    key_range = maxKey - minKey

    # create a temp arr with size range
    # O (k)
    C = []
    for i in range(key_range):

    # counting how many duplicated same element 
    for i in range(0, len(arr)):
        C[arr[i] - minKey] += 1

    # counting target index of each element should be
    # in sorted version
    for i in range(0,key_range):
        C[i] = C[i] + C[i-1]

    # create a sorted array
    S = [None] * length
    for i in range(0, length):
        S[ C[ arr[i] - minKey ] ] = arr[i]
        C[ arr[i] - minKey ] -= 1

    return S



Bucket sort


Best: O ( n ), all element uniformly distributed
Worst: O ( n^2 ), all elements map to the same bucket
Space: O ( n )
  • Sorting real # between 0 ~ 1
  • 1. Create a Bucket array of size n for different size elements
  • 2. Create subarray for elements having same range of size (e.g. 0.125 ~ 0.25)
  • 3. Loop through the array, putting elements into bucket according to its size
  • 4. Loop through bucket, sorting each subarray using insertion sort
  • 5. Concatenate each subarray of bucket together



def bucketSort(arr):
    length = len(arr)
    B = [None] * length

    # create array B
    for i in range(0, length):
        B[i] = []

    # create subarray of B
    for i in range(1, length):
        B[ length * arr[i]] = arr[i]

    # sort each subarray of B
    for i in range(0, length):
        insertionSort2( B[i] )      # O (i^2)

    # concat all subarray of B
    S = []
    for i in range(0, length):
        S += B[i]

    return S



Radix sort


O ( Dn ), in all cases
O ( Dn ), countingSort costs O (n), D iterations
  • Works on a list of N digit
  • 1. Start by sorting the least significant digit
  • 2. D (# of digit) iterations
  • 3. each iteration cost O(n+k), using counting sort
  • 4. then O(D * (n+k) )



def radixSort(arr, digit):          
    for i in range(digit):  # how many digit of a number
        # usea a stable sort to sort Array of number on digit i
        # counting sort is the best
        # since there are only 10 digits 0 ~ 9
        i = 0

    return arr


AUTHOR : kanra
Working on Networking, Web Development, Software Development, Server-side deployment. Having fun on doing experiments on new technologies.