BASH is a command line language, stands for Bourne Again SHell. It is used to get the computer to do different kind of tasks.
ctrl + c
– Stop the current process
ctrl + z
– Get out from current process, resume with fg
in the foreground or bg
in the background
ctrl + d
– Logout the current session, similar to exit (Just close the terminal)
ctrl + w
– Erases one word in the current line
ctrl + u
– Erases the whole line
ctrl + r
– Type to bring up a recent command
ctrl + alt + F<Console number>
– Switching console when one is stuck on a process, so CTRL + ALT+F2 will get you to a console #2, default is #7
– Repeats the last command
– Logout the current session
– auto complete a long word found from current folder file’s name
– clear the screen
All Installed Packages
dpkg -l
– Listing all installed packages (applications)
dpkg -l | grep {app_name}
– Listing status of specified app
App Installation
== apt-get
sudo apt update
– Reflash all package inforamtion from all configured source.
sudo apt show
– Show information about the given package(s), either installed or not yet.
sudo apt install {app_name}
– Install an applications.
sudo apt autoremove
– Remove dependencies from uninstalled apps that no longer used on the system.
Configure which version of installation (the same app/cmd) to be used as the default one on the command line:
sudo update-alternatives --config {app/CMD}
Uninstall a app/CMD installation:
sudo apt-get remove [--purge: delete config, ] {App_name}
File System
2. Linux is Case Sensitive, so a !=A
3. Linux is an extensionless system, so Files can have any extension they like, so
can == file.txt
4. Space in file name need to use quote or Escape Characters, so
'A File'
or Holiday\ Photos
represents zero or more characters, ls b*
, files start with b?
represents a single character, ls b???
, file start with b having length of 4[]
represents a range of characters, ls [0-9]
, ls [abc]
reverse a range, ls [^a-k]*
, files not start with a~kAbsolute path: /home/user/Documents
– start with a forward slash ( / )
Relative path: user/Documents
– not begin with a slash
~ (tilde): a shortcut for user’s home directory, so /home/kara/Documents
== ~/Documents
. (dot): a reference to the current directory, so Documents
== ./Documents
.. (dotdot): a reference to the parent directory, go back 2 level cd ../../
/ (slash): a reference to the root directory, go back to root cd /
ls [options] [location]
– Directory LiSting
ls -ahl
– Listing files in this folder, All files (Hidden files showed), Human readable file size (KB, MB..), Long listing format (in rows, columns)
ls -lt
– Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification
ls lab[1-5]
– Using range to match files lab1 ~ lab5, listing contents for lab1 ~ lab5
ls -lh /home/*/.bash_history
– list all .bash_history file in every users home directory
ls [^a-k]*
– look for any character which is not start with the following a-k
ls -ld testdir
– look at directory
– Change Directory, change to user home directory
cd dir
– Change directory to dir
cd /
– Back to root
pwd [-LP]
– Print (current) Working Directory
mkdir [-p: make parent dir | -v: verbose] {folder_name}
– Creating/Making a directory dir
file [path]
– To see what kind of file in this path (path to a file)
file /home/user/*
– type of every file in a directory.
rm [-r: Recursive, remove directories | -f: no prompt for nonexistent files and arguments | -i: prompt before every removal] {file_name}
– Remove files (*_files)
rm -rf folder_name
– Directly remove a whole folder (without any prompts).
mv {source_folder/file1} {source_folder/file2}
– Rename file1 to file2
mv {source_file} ../{target_file}
– Move source file to (go back one level) target file
mv {source_file} folder_name/{target_file}
– Move source file to folder_name directory
mv public_html/*.??g public_html/images/
– Move all files end with .__g (image) into another directory.
cp [-i: interactive option, prompted before a file is overwritten | -a: preserving the attributes of dir | -v: verbose, print info of what is done | -r copying recursively ] {source_file} {target_file}
– Copy the contents of source file to target file
cp -r {source_dir} {target_dir}
– Copy source to target (Automatically create target directory if not yet present)
touch [options] <filename>
– modify the access and modification times on a file, or create file if not exist.
– Concatenate FILE(s) to standard output (print it)
cat {file_name}
– Display contents of a file
cat > {file_name}
– Places the standard input into the file
cat >> {file_name}
– Append input to the end of the file
tac {path}
– cat in reverse, print line of data in reverse order
less {file}
– A tool to view/search a file
ln -s {file_name} {link_name}
– Create a symbolic link that link to source file
– which stands for list open files.
It has a lot of options, so check the man page, but if you want to see all open files under a directory:
lsof +D /path
File Permission
Linux permission string: drwxrwxrwx
as [Directory/Link] [Owner] [Group] [Others]
Meaning of those characters:
File | Folder | |
r | can view the contents of file | ability to read the contents of the directory ls |
w | can change the contents of the file | ability to write into the directory (create files and directories) |
x | can execute or run the file | ability to enter that directory cd |
Change mode (permission) for files:
chmod [-v: display what is done] {777: is 111 111 111 then all on} {file_name}
Octal value are 0~7, represent rwx as binary string:
0 | 000 as ___ : none |
1 | 001 as __x : execute |
2 | 010 as _w_ : write |
3 | 011 as _wx : execute & write |
4 | read |
5 | read & execute |
6 | read & write |
7 | all |
System Processes
– Display all running processes
ps axu
– Process, To display the currently working processes
kill [-9: force to kill] {78600: process IDs}
– Kill processes by its ID
killall {proc}
– Kill all the process named proc
sleep <number of second>
– Wait for a given number of seconds and then quit
Display a tree of processes:
pstree -p # with process id
Executing jobs
– re-run last used command
– Run a program in the frontground, .
refer to current folder, then /<program>
refer to this program
<cmd> &
– Run a command program in the background, add &
at the end of cmd
fg [n]
– Brings the most recent job, or Nth job, to foreground
– Check current jobs
– Lists currently running background jobs
$ sleep 20 & # sleep 20s in the bg
$ jobs # listing jobs in the bg
[1]+ Running sleep 30 &
$ bg
-bash: bg: job 1 already in background # tell your job 1 is running
is a tool to run a particular command for every item in a list. Given a list of item of string, for every item of string, xargs
can use the string as a parameter to execute command.
$ ls
$ ls | xargs -n1 -i mv {} {}f
$ ls
12.ttf 13.ttf
spcifies that the next command should be executed once for each item. -i
indicates to use a replacement string in the next command (using {}
System Info
– show hostname
– show detail host (OS) info
sudo hostnamectl <hostname>
– set hostname
– Show the current date and time
– Show this month’s calendar
– Show current uptime (time machine has been working)
– Display a list of user who is online
– show a list of last logged-in users
– Print user name logged in as
finger [user_name: display info about this user]
– Display a list of user, or with user’s name to display info about user
uname -a
– Print system info, kernel info, OS info, …
cat /proc/cpuinfo
– CPU information
cat /proc/meminfo
– Memory information
Hardware Information
lshw # list of hardware and settings
lspci # list of Peripheral Component Interconnect
lsusb # usb info
man {command}
– Show the manual for a specific command
man -k <search term>
– Search a command using key word
df -h [path]
– Show Disk space usage for File system (Not folder), in Human-readable text
du -sh <file | folder>
– Listing Disk Usage, for all files & folders, or [-s, in Summary for a single folder/file], and Human-readable
free -h
– Show memory and swap usage, in Human-readable text
A filter, in the context of the Linux command line, is a program that accepts textual data and then transforms it in a particular way.
head [-number of lines to print] {file-path}
– prints the first so many lines of it’s input
head -4 mysampledata.txt
– first 4 lines
tail [-number of lines to print] {file-path}
– Prints the last so many lines of it’s input
sort [-options] {file-path}
– Sort the input by lines, by default options is A-Za-z
nl [-options] {file-path}
– Number line, print lines with a # in front of the lines.
nl -s '. ' -w 10 mysampledata.txt
– Print with indent and put ‘.’ after a #
wc [-l: # of line | -w: # of word] {file-path}
– Word count, print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
cut [-options] {path}
– Cut input string and only output what we want
cut -f 1 -d ' ' mysampledata.txt
– Using separator ‘ ‘, only output the 1st column of a line
sed <expression> {path}
– Stream Editor, do a search and replace on input data, expression using RegExp
sed 's/oranges/bananas/g' mysampledata.txt
– Substitute “oranges” to “bananas” globally for all lines
sed -n '2p' file.txt
– Print 2nd line
sed -n '10,33p' file.txt
– Print line 10 up to line 33
sed -n '1p;3p'
– Print line 1 and 3
uniq [options] {path}
– Unique, remove duplicate lines from the data
Regular Expression:
str | match any strings having substring “str” | match *str* |
. |
match any single character | c.t match cat, cot, cut, .. |
? |
preceding character matches 0 or 1 times | ca?s match cs and cas |
* |
preceding character matches 0 or more times | a* match |
+ |
preceding character matches 1 or more times | a+ match a, aa, aaa, .. |
\ |
Escape the next character | \. match . (dot) |
{n} |
preceding character matches exactly n times | |
{n,m} |
preceding character matches at least n times and not more than m times |
[abc] |
matches one of the characters inside [] | [abc] match a, b, c |
[^ab] |
matches any one of the characters NOT inside [] |
c[^au]t matchesc*t but not cat and cut |
[a-d] |
match a range of characters | [a-d] match a, b, c, d |
() |
group several characters to behave as one | (ab)+ matches ababab.. |
| |
the logical OR operation | (a|b)c match ac and bc |
^ |
matches the beginning of the line | ^a string begins with a |
$ |
matches the end of the line | a$ string ends with a |
Search for pattern in files, or folders, print the entire line for every line which contains a string of characters matching the given pattern:
grep [-i: ignore-case | -r: recursive, search all files in folders | -n: display total number of line] 'regular expression' file1, file2, ...
grep '[aeiou]{2,}' mysampledata.txt
– identify any line with two or more vowels in a row
grep '2.+' mysampledata.txt
– any line with a 2 on it which is not the end of the line
grep 'Gnome Display Manager' /etc/passwd
– Search string includes spaces inside a file
grep '^linux' file.txt
– string “linux” will match only if it occurs at the very beginning of a line
grep 'b\?right' file.txt
– match both “bright” and “right”, The ? character is escaped with a backslash because we’re using basic regular expressions
grep -E 'b?right' file.txt
– same regex using extended regular expression
grep -E 's+right' file.txt
– match “sright” and “ssright”, but not “right”
Or using pipe |
Command | grep 'pattern'
– Search pattern in the output of a command via pipe
dpkg -l | grep -i 'improved'
– Search pattern of ‘improved’ in output of listing all packages
locate [-i: ignore-case | -p: ignore spaces, punctuation]{file_name/pattern}
– Find all instances of file in the system
find <path> -type <d: directory| f: file> -name <filename> -size <+200M,200K> -exec <cmd\;>
– Search folders or files in a target directory or below it with name
find / -type d -name myfolder
– Search folders called “myfolder” from root
find . -type f -name myfile
– Search files called “myfile” from current folder
find /home -size +200M
– Search files with size over 200M
find ./public -type f -name '*.js' -exec ls -sh {} \;
– Search .js
files then execute cmd, ending the cmd with ;
, escape the ;
with \
. '*.js'
let find does the expansion internally. {}
means the output of find.
which <command>
– Locate a command/program. Return path name of the files that would be run by default for this app.
whereis <command>
– Show possible locations of app (Only for command app)
Searches for all the named processes , that matches with the pattern and, by default, returns their ID:
pgrep {process pattern}
Redirection & Piping
Piping is used for manipulating the data flow, redirecting data between files and programs in some useful ways. There are 3 data streams in every program:
1. STDIN (0): Standard input
2. STDOUT (1): Standard output
3. STDERR (2): Standard error
, Used to let programs output (whatever it sends to STDOUT) to be saved in a file instead of printed to the screen. If the target file exist, its content will be cleared to new content.
{CMD} > {file}
ls > content-file.txt
, Append content to file:
{CMD} >> {file}
ls >> existing-file.txt
, Feeding data into a program via the STDIN stream:
{CMD} < {file}
wc -l < existing-file.txt
Combining <
and >
wc -l < input-file.txt > output-file # outuput result of number of words of input file into another output file
, Redirecting STDERR (No. 2 of stream, error message), only error message is redirected:
ls -l exist.c not-exist.c 2> errors.txt
# error "ls: cannot access not-exist.c: No such file or directory"
# will be output to file
, Identify the redirection to a stream, &1
redirect to STDOUT, &2
redirect to STDERR
ls -l dir.dir pp > output 2>&1 # no space after "2>"
cat output
# ls: cannot access 'pp': No such file or directory
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 cc cc 9 Dec 1 12:48 dir.dir
# Can also direct error first
# then append output to the file
ls -l dir.dir pp 2> output 1>> output
, as Piping, is used for sending data from one program to another. Feed the output from the program on the left as the input to the program on the right.
ls -alh | grep <keyword> # Find something from output of ls
Combining with redirection:
# take first 3 lines of "ls"
# then last lines
# then put result to file
ls -alh | head -3 | tail -1 > file
# Can scroll the result
ls -l /etc | less
Compress a file with zip
[-v: verbosely, show detail
-9: compress better
-1: compress fast
-r: recursively including files inside folders
-x: exclude the following files
{} {file1 file2 ...} -x {folder/*}
Compress all files/folders in this folder and create (including files inside folders)
zip -v9r *
# Exclude all files in "subfolder1" and "subfolder2", need ""
zip -v9r folder -x "folder/subfolder1/*" "folder/subfolder2/*"
Listing files inside a .zip file
unzip [-l: list files, not unzip it | -v: list verbosely] {}
Extract all files to a target folder (create it if it is not exist)
unzip {} -d {folder_name}
Extract all files to the current folder (can exclude some files)
unzip {} [-x: exclude files that follows] {files_exclude}
stand for Tape ARchive.
[-c] Create tar file named file.tar
containing file1, 2, 3
tar -cvf {file.tar} {file1 file2 file3}
[-t] Listing all files inside file.tar
tar -tvf {file.tar}
[-x] Extract the files from file.tar
tar -xvf {file.tar}
tar -xvf {file.tar} -C /target/dir # extract to /target/dir
tar -xvf {file.tar} -C dir # extract to current subfolder "dir", "dir" need to be exist
Create a tar with Gzip compression
tar -czvf {file.tar.gz} {files}
Extract a tar using Gzip
tar -xjvf {file.tar.gz}
Create tar with Bzip2 compression
tar -cjvf {file.tar.bz2} {files}
Extract a tar using Bzip2
tar -xjvf {file.tar.bz2} {files}
Compresses file and renames it to file.gz
gzip {files}
Decompresses file.gz back to file
gzip -d {file.gz}
Sync files on two directories on the same login section
rsync -uvr {source_dir} {destination_dir}
service --status-all
– listing all services (+ is active, – is inactive)
service <service_name> status
service <service_name> start
service <service_name> stop
service <service_name> restart
systemctl list-units | grep running
– listing all running services
systemctl status <service_name>
systemctl start <service_name>
systemctl stop <service_name>
systemctl restart <service_name>
– See all log of the OS
journalctl -u <service_name>.service
– See full log of a unit (a service unit) status
journalctl -u <service_name>
– can do without .service
journalctl -u <service_name> -b
– See full log of service status of current boot
journalctl --disk-usage
# Archived and active journals take up 136.0M on disk.
Reduce disk usage below specified size
Leave only the specified number of journal files
Remove journal files older than specified time
journalctl --vacuum-size=200M
# Archived and active journals take up 136.0M on disk.
ip addr
– Show IP info
ssh [-i:use identity such as private_key] [private_key_path] -p <port>
– Login to a remote system using ssh
sftp -r {*} ~/sub_folder_in_home/.}
– Download files or folders from remote linux to your machine (perform in self machine)
ping {host}
– Ping host and output results
nslookup –option1 –option2 {host-to-find} {use-this-dns-server}
– Name Server Look Up, can query IP address of hosts (Web server, DNS server, Mail server, … )
dig {domain}
– Get DNS information for domain
dig -x {host}
– Reverse lookup host
scp (Secure Copy Protocol)
A quick, easy and secure way to copy files between different machines across ssh (linux) connection: local -> remote, remote -> local, remote -> remote
man scp
# user manual
scp ./file.jpg username@ # local to remote
scp username@ ./file.jpg # remote to local
# remote file to remote folder
scp ./folder username@ # copy folder to folder
The non-interactive network downloader, download a file:
wget {file_URL}
wget -c {file} # Continue a stopped download
Let firewall to allow using a port
sudo ufw [delete] allow|deny|reject|limit {port/protocol}
sudo ufw status # See active rules
sudo ufw allow 9091/tcp # Add allow rule on tcp port 9091
sudo ufw delete allow 9091/tcp # Delete the "allow rule of port 9001 on tcp
Show a list of services running on the system on tcp and udp ports
= only services which are listening on some port-n
= show port number, don’t try to resolve the service name-t
= tcp ports-u
= udp ports-p
= name of the program
sudo netstat -lntup
Find Which program using Which port:
sudo netstat -lntup | grep {port | program_name}
Task Scheduling – Cron
stands for Command Run ON. It is a mechanism that let the system to run certain commands at every certain time frame. For example, cron
lets the system to run a script automatically every hour.
manges a text file (a schedule) that can control when and what commands are scheduled to run. Each user have their own crontab
and within the file, each line represents a schedule for a particular command.
crontab -l # To view a list of current scheduled tasks
crontab -e # To edit the schedule file
The actual files store on folder: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username>
The cron log files stare on: /var/log/cron
or /var/log/syslog
For a line of schedule, time frame format:
* | * | * | * | * | cmd |
Minutes (0 – 59) |
Hours (0 – 23) |
Day of Month (1 – 31) |
Months (1 – 12) |
Day of week (0 – 7) (0 and 7 are Sunday) |
cmd to run |
Execute script.bash:
* * * * * /home/ # every minute
30 3 * * 4 /home/ # every Thursday at 3:30 AM
* 2/5 * * * /home/ # 2/5 means starting at 2 then every 5 (2,7,12,17,22...)
Check whether cron is running (cron need to be running for cmd to be executed):
ps aux | grep cron
# if not then start it
sudo systemctl start cron
– Output the current terminal path
– Output value of a variable
which {command}
– Locate path of a binary executable (a command)
date [+FORMAT]
– Print out date, +
followed by a format, +%m/%d/%y
print out 12/01/18
It is a pattern scanning and processing language.
awk '{print $2}' data.txt
– Print 2nd column of each row in a file
awk '{ sum += $1 }; END { print sum }' data.txt
– Sum a number 1st column of each row, then print it out
awk '$3 > 10 {print $1 " - " $2 " : " $3}' data.txt
– Perform conditional check, if value 3rd column greater than 10