- A 2 weeks-finished web-based application
- Only mobile friendly
- Server side, client side
- Data modifications
- User authentication
- Totally AJAX
User Login
- Bootstrap on design
- Express.js on server side handle requests
- Passport.js handle user authentication
- Mustache.js for HTML templating
- MongoDB cloud to store user data
- User session enable using cookies
App Usage
- jQuery on client side (popup menu, update notes, settings, …)
- Using AJAX for requesting modifications on server side
- Support note editings (Add, change, delete, … )
- Moment.js to track note editing (create date, last change date)
- Change ordering of notes (by title A-Z, by created date, … )
Testing Account:
username | password |
abc | 123 |
App View:
- Login view
- app view
- edit view