2-3-4 Tree
Post By kanra
Blogs 2-3-4 Tree
A 2–3-4 trees is a B-tree of order 4.
It is balanced, meaning that each right, center 0, center 1, and left subtree contains the same or close to the same amount of data.
Any internal node has children node vary between 2 ~ 4 (Every node in a 2-3-4 tree is either a leaf, or has either 2 or 3 or 4 children).


Abstract Data Type (ADT)

template<class Type>
struct node234
	Type *data[3];
	node234<Type> *child[4];


Get number of node in a 2-3-4 tree

template<class Type>
int Tree234_size(node234<Type>* root)
	return ((root) ? Tree234_size(root->child[0]) + Tree234_size(root->child[1]) +
		Tree234_size(root->child[2]) + Tree234_size(root->child[3]) + 1 : 0);


Get level of tree height

template<class Type>
int Tree234_height(node234<Type> * root)
	return ((root) ? Tree234_height(root->child[1]) + 1 : 0);


Display data of 2-3 tree in order

// Return # of nodes
templat<class Type>
int Tree234_display(node234<Type> * root)
	int count = 0;
		count = Tree234_display(root->child[0]) + 1;

		if (root->data[0])
			cout << *(root->data[0]) << " ";

		count += Tree234_display(root->child[1]);

		if (root->data[1])		// middle data must exist
			cout << *(root->data[1]) << " ";

		count += Tree234_display(root->child[2]);

		if (root->data[2])
			cout << *(root->data[2]) << " ";

		count += Tree234_display(root->child[3]);

	return count;


Copy data from a 2-3-4 tree to another 2-3-4 tree

// Return number of nodes copied
template<class Type>
int Tree234_copy(node234<Type> * &destination, node234<Type>* source)
	int count = 0;
	if (source)
		destination = new node234<Type>;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
			if (*(source->data + i))
				*(destination->data + i) = new Type;
				**(destination->data + i) = **(source->data + i);
				*(destination->data + i) = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
			count += Tree234_copy(*(destination->child + i), *(source->child + i));
		destination = NULL;

	return count;


Insert data into a 234 tree

1. Start from root, going down
2. If encounter a node with 3 data, do split, then go back to where it is
3. If root node has 3 data, create a new root node at the begin
4. keep moving down to a leaf
5. always insert to an end leaf


This operation has 3 functions:

1. A recursive traversal function
2. Splitting function to split a child node from a parent node.
3. Inserting function to insert a data into a node of 2-3-4 tree.


template<class Type>
void Tree234_insert(const Type &insert, node234<Type>* &root, node234<Type>* parent)
	if (root)
		if (root->data[0] && root->data[2])			// 3 data in a node, split this node
			Tree234_split(insert, root, parent);
		else if (!root->child[1])			// no children, end leaf with 1 or 2 data
			Tree234_insert_at_node(insert, root);
			//return 1;
		else		// 1 or 2 data with children
			if (insert < *(root->data[1]))
				if (root->data[0] && insert < *(root->data[0]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, root->child[0], root);
					Tree234_insert(insert, root->child[1], root);
				if (!root->data[2] || insert < *(root->data[2]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, root->child[2], root);
					Tree234_insert(insert, root->child[3], root);
	else			// root is NULL, insert the 1st node
		Tree234_insert_at_node(insert, root);
		//return 1;

split a node having 3 data inside
template<class Type>
void Tree234_split(const Type &insert, node234<Type>* &root, node234<Type>* parent)
	if (parent)
		node234<Type> *temp = new node234<Type>;

		if (root == parent->child[0])
			parent->data[2] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = parent->data[0];
			parent->data[0] = root->data[1];
			parent->child[3] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = parent->child[1];
			parent->child[1] = temp;

			root->data[1] = root->data[0];
			temp->data[1] = root->data[2];
			temp->child[1] = root->child[2];
			temp->child[2] = root->child[3];
			root->child[2] = root->child[1];
			root->child[1] = root->child[0];

			root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
			root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

			if (insert < *(parent->data[0]))
				Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[0], parent);
				Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[1], parent);
		else if (root == parent->child[3])
			parent->data[0] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = parent->data[2];
			parent->data[2] = root->data[1];
			parent->child[0] = parent->child[1];
			parent->child[1] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = temp;

			root->data[1] = root->data[2];
			temp->data[1] = root->data[0];
			temp->child[1] = root->child[0];
			temp->child[2] = root->child[1];
			root->child[1] = root->child[2];
			root->child[2] = root->child[3];

			root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
			root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

			if (insert < *(parent->data[2]))
				Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[2], parent);
				Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[3], parent);
		else if (root == parent->child[1])
			if (parent->data[0])
				parent->data[2] = parent->data[1];
				parent->data[1] = root->data[1];
				parent->child[3] = parent->child[2];
				parent->child[2] = temp;

				temp->data[1] = root->data[2];
				root->data[1] = root->data[0];
				temp->child[1] = root->child[2];
				temp->child[2] = root->child[3];
				root->child[2] = root->child[1];
				root->child[1] = root->child[0];

				root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
				root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

				if (insert < *(parent->data[1]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[1], parent);
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[2], parent);
				parent->data[0] = root->data[1];
				parent->child[0] = temp;

				temp->data[1] = root->data[0];
				root->data[1] = root->data[2];
				temp->child[1] = root->child[0];
				temp->child[2] = root->child[1];
				root->child[1] = root->child[2];
				root->child[2] = root->child[3];

				root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
				root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

				if (insert < *(parent->data[0]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[0], parent);
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[1], parent);
		else	// child[2]
			if (parent->data[2])
				parent->data[0] = parent->data[1];
				parent->data[1] = root->data[1];
				parent->child[0] = parent->child[1];
				parent->child[1] = temp;

				temp->data[1] = root->data[0];
				root->data[1] = root->data[2];
				temp->child[1] = root->child[0];
				temp->child[2] = root->child[1];
				root->child[1] = root->child[2];
				root->child[2] = root->child[3];

				root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
				root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

				if (insert < *(parent->data[1]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[1], parent);
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[2], parent);
				parent->data[2] = root->data[1];
				parent->child[3] = temp;

				temp->data[1] = root->data[2];
				root->data[1] = root->data[0];
				temp->child[1] = root->child[2];
				temp->child[2] = root->child[3];
				root->child[2] = root->child[1];
				root->child[1] = root->child[0];

				root->data[0] = root->data[2] = temp->data[0] = temp->data[2] = NULL;
				root->child[0] = root->child[3] = temp->child[0] = temp->child[3] = NULL;

				if (insert < *(parent->data[2]))
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[2], parent);
					Tree234_insert(insert, parent->child[3], parent);
	else	// 1st node
		node234<Type> *left = new node234<Type>, *right = new node234<Type>;
		left->data[1] = root->data[0];
		right->data[1] = root->data[2];

		left->child[1] = root->child[0];
		left->child[2] = root->child[1];
		right->child[1] = root->child[2];
		right->child[2] = root->child[3];
		root->child[1] = left;
		root->child[2] = right;
		left->data[0] = left->data[2] = right->data[0] = right->data[2] = root->data[0] = root->data[2] = NULL;
		left->child[0] = left->child[3] = right->child[0] = right->child[3] = root->child[0] = root->child[3] = NULL;

		Tree234_insert(insert, root);

Insert a data into an end node
template<class Type>
void Tree234_insert_at_node(const Type &insert, node234<Type>* &root)
	if (root)
		if (insert < *(root->data[1]))
			if (root->data[0])
				if (insert < *(root->data[0]))	// 1st
					root->data[2] = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = root->data[0];
					root->data[0] = new Type;
					*(root->data[0]) = insert;
				else		// 2nd
					root->data[2] = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = new Type;
					*(root->data[1]) = insert;
			else		// 1st
				root->data[0] = new Type;
				*(root->data[0]) = insert;
			if (root->data[2])
				if (insert <= *(root->data[2]))	// 2nd
					root->data[0] = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = new Type;
					*(root->data[1]) = insert;
				else		// 3rd
					root->data[0] = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = root->data[2];
					root->data[2] = new Type;
					*(root->data[2]) = insert;
			else		// 3rd
				root->data[2] = new Type;
				*(root->data[2]) = insert;
		root = new node234<Type>;
		root->data[1] = new Type;
		*(root->data[1]) = insert;
		root->child[0] = root->child[1] = root->child[2] = root->child[3] = NULL;
		root->data[0] = root->data[2] = NULL;


Clear a 2-3-4 tree

// Return # of node deleted
template<class Type>
int Tree234_clear(node234<Type> *&root)
	int count = 0;
	if (root)
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) count += Tree234_clear(root->child[i]);

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (root->data[i])
				delete root->data[i];

		delete root;
		root = 0;

	return count;



AUTHOR : kanra
EMAIL : karawakara@gmail.com
Working on Networking, Web Development, Software Development, Server-side deployment. Having fun on doing experiments on new technologies.

Comment is Closed
/(; +_+ ?)p

1 thoughts on "2-3-4 Tree"
  1. Kanra says:

    The process of delete function of 2-3-4 tree looks like 2-3 tree.