2-3 Tree
Post By kanra
Blogs 2-3 Tree
A 2–3 trees is a B-tree of order 3.
It is balanced, meaning that each right, center, and left subtree contains the same or close to the same amount of data.
Any internal node has children vary between 2 and 3 (Every node in a 2-3 tree is either a leaf, or has either 2 or 3 children).



Abstract Data Type (ADT)

template<class type>
struct node23
	type *data[2];
	node23<Type> *child[3];	 // max 3 children


Get number of node in a 2-3 tree

template<class type>
int Tree23_size(node23<Type>* root)
	return ((root) ? Tree23_size(root->child[0]) + Tree23_size(root->child[1]) +
        Tree23_size(root->child[2]) + 1 : 0);


Get number of data in a 2-3 tree

template<class type>
int Tree23_data(node23<Type>* root)
	int data = 0;
	if (root)
		if (root->data[1])
			data = Tree23_data(root->child[0]) + Tree23_data(root->child[1]) 
            + Tree23_data(root->child[2]) + 2;
			data = Tree23_data(root->child[0]) + Tree23_data(root->child[1]) 
            + Tree23_data(root->child[2]) + 1;

	return data;


Determine whether the height is balanced

template<class type>
bool Tree23_is_balanced(node23<Type> * root)
	bool is_balanced = 1;
	Tree23_is_balanced(root, is_balanced);
	return is_balanced;

// Recursion function for Tree23_is_balanced
template<class type>
int Tree23_is_balanced(node23<Type> * root, bool & is_balanced)
	if (root)
		if (root->data[1])
			int fi = Tree23_is_balanced(root->child[0], is_balanced);
			int se = Tree23_is_balanced(root->child[1], is_balanced);
			int th = Tree23_is_balanced(root->child[2], is_balanced);
			if (is_balanced)
				if (!(fi == se && se == th))
					is_balanced = 0;

			return fi + 1;
			int fi = Tree23_is_balanced(root->child[0], is_balanced);
			int se = Tree23_is_balanced(root->child[1], is_balanced);
			if (is_balanced)
				if (fi != se)
					is_balanced = 0;

			return fi + 1;
	return 0;


Determine whether the data in the tree is in order

template<class type>
int Tree23_data_in_order(node23<Type> * root)
	if (root)
		type* prev = NULL;
		return Tree23_data_in_order(root, prev);
	return 1;

// Recursive fnc for testing whether the data in the tree is in order
template<class type>
bool Tree23_data_in_order(node23<Type> * root, type *& prev)
	if (root)
		if (root->child[0])
			if (!Tree23_data_in_order(root->child[0], prev))
				return 0;
		if (!prev)
			prev = root->data[0];

		if (*prev > *(root->data[0]))
			return 0;

		if (root->child[1])
			if (!Tree23_data_in_order(root->child[1], prev))
				return 0;

		if (root->data[1])
			if (*prev > *(root->data[1]))
				return 0;

			if (root->child[1])
				if (!Tree23_data_in_order(root->child[2], prev))
					return 0;
	return 1;


Get level of tree height

template<class type>
int Tree23_height(node23<Type> * root)
	return ((root) ? Tree23_height(root->child[0]) + 1 : 0);


Display data of 2-3 tree in order

// Return # of nodes
template<class type>
int Tree23_display(node23<Type> * root)
	int count = 0;
	if (root)
			count = Tree23_display(root->child[0]);

		cout << *(root->data[0]) << " "; if (root->child[1])
			count += Tree23_display(root->child[1]);

		if (root->data[1])		// 2nd data exist
			cout << *(root->data[1]) << " "; count += Tree23_display(root->child[2]);


	return count;


Display data in a tree-liked sturcture

// Declaration
template<class type>
int Tree23_display_tree(node23<Type> *root, int lv = 1);

// Return # of data
template<class type>
int Tree23_display_tree (node23<Type> *root, int lv)
	int data = 0;
	if (root)
		if (root->child[2])
			data += Tree23_display_tree(root->child[2], lv + 1);	// root is not NULL, data + 1

		if (root->data[1])
			int sp = lv;
			while (sp-- > 1)
				cout << "     ";
			cout << *(root->data[1]) << ((root->child[1]) ? " < " : "") << endl;
		if (root->child[1])
			data += Tree23_display_tree(root->child[1], lv + 1);

		int sp = lv;
		while (sp-- > 1)
			cout << "     ";
		cout << *(root->data[0]) << ((root->child[0]) ? " < " : "") << endl;

		if (root->child[0])
			data += Tree23_display_tree(root->child[0], lv + 1);

	return data;


Clear a 2-3 tree

template<class type>
int Tree23_clear(node23<Type> * &root)
	int count = 0;
	if (root)
		count = Tree23_clear(root->child[0]) + Tree23_clear(root->child[1]) +
            Tree23_clear(root->child[2]) + 1;

		delete root->data[0];
		if (root->data[1])
			delete root->data[1];

		delete root;
		root = NULL;

	return count;


Make a completed copy of a 2-3 tree

template<class type>
int Tree23_copy(node23<Type> * &dest_root, node23<Type> * source_root)
	if (source_root)
		dest_root = new node23<Type>;
		dest_root->data[0] = source_root->data[0];
		dest_root->data[1] = ((source_root->data[1]) ? source_root->data[1] : 0);

		return Tree23_copy(dest_root->child[0], source_root->child[0]) + 
			Tree23_copy(dest_root->child[1], source_root->child[1]) +
			Tree23_copy(dest_root->child[2], source_root->child[2]) + 1;
		dest_root = NULL;

	return 0;


Insert a data into 2-3 tree


There are 4 functions for this operations:

1. Wrapper function of insertion, also for growth of tree.

  • If there is a data pushed up to this point, then root node to grows up 1 level.

2. Recursive function of insertion traversal. Process:

  1. Start from root, going down to a leaf.
  2. Insert at a leaf node
  3. If there are 3 data in a leaf node, push up the middle to its parent.
  4. If there is 1 data in parent, insert the pushed data, split that child.
  5. If there are 2 data in parent, split parent into two subtrees, push up middle data.
  6. Keep pushing until the top
  7. Tree grows from the top

3. Splitting function to split a child node from a parent node.

  • Return NULL if it is done splitting up to this point
  • Return the middle value data to its parent ( It is a new right child of node to the parent that is already splited )

4. Inserting function to insert a data into a node of 2-3 tree.

  • Return NULL if there is no need to split
  • Return a middle value data to parent ( a new right child (already splited) of node to parent )


//Return NULL
template<class type>
type* Tree23_insert(const type & insert, node23<Type>*& root)
	node23<Type>* below_child = NULL;
	type* to_insert = Tree23_insert_traverse(insert, root, below_child);

	if (to_insert)
		node23<Type>* new_root = new node23<Type>;
		new_root->data[0] = to_insert;

		new_root->child[0] = root;
		new_root->child[1] = below_child;
		new_root->child[2] =  NULL;
        new_root->data[1] = NULL;
		root = new_root;

	return NULL;

// Return a data pushed up
template<class type>
type* Tree23_insert_traverse(const type & insert, node23<Type>*& root, node23<Type>* &new_child)
	if (root)
		if (!root->child[0])            // root is leaf, try to insert
			type * move_up = Tree23_insert_at_node(insert, root, new_child);
			return move_up;
		else        // not leaf, going down
			node23<Type> *below_child = NULL;
			if (insert < *(root->data[0]))          // go left
				type* pushed_data = Tree23_insert_traverse(insert, root->child[0], below_child);
				if (pushed_data)
					return Tree23_split(root, pushed_data,0, below_child, new_child);		// data was pushed from 1st child
			else if (!(root->data[1]) || insert < *(root->data[1]))		// go middle
				type* pushed_data = Tree23_insert_traverse(insert, root->child[1],  below_child);
				if (pushed_data)
					return Tree23_split(root, pushed_data, 1, below_child, new_child);	// data was pushed from 2nd child
			else		// go right
				type* pushed_data = Tree23_insert_traverse(insert, root->child[2], below_child);
				if (pushed_data)
					return Tree23_split(root, pushed_data, 2, below_child, new_child);	// data was pushed from 3rd child

			return NULL;			// no data was pushed up
	else		// root is NULL, 1st node
		return Tree23_insert_at_node(insert, root, new_child);

// Return a data pushed up
template<class type>
type* Tree23_split(node23<Type>*& root, type * to_insert, int child_num, node23<Type> *below_child, node23<Type> *& new_child )
	if (!root->data[1])		// parent node has 1 data
		if (child_num == 0)		// data from child 0
			root->data[1] = root->data[0];
			root->data[0] = to_insert;
			root->child[2] = root->child[1];
			root->child[1] = below_child;
		else		// data from child 1
			root->data[1] = to_insert;
			root->child[2] = below_child;

		return NULL;
	else			// parent node has 2 data
		type* move_up = NULL;
		if (child_num == 0)		// data from child 0
			new_child = new node23<Type>;
			new_child->child[2] = NULL;
			new_child->data[1] = NULL;

			new_child->data[0] = root->data[1];
			new_child->child[1] = root->child[2];
			new_child->child[0] = root->child[1];

			root->child[1] = below_child;
			root->child[2] = NULL;
			root->data[1] = NULL;

			move_up = root->data[0];			// push up data 1
			root->data[0] = to_insert;
		else if(child_num == 1)		// data from child 1
			new_child = new node23<Type>;
			new_child->child[2] = NULL;
			new_child->data[1] = NULL;

			new_child->data[0] = root->data[1];
			new_child->child[1] = root->child[2];
			new_child->child[0] = below_child;

			root->child[2] = NULL;
			root->data[1] = NULL;

			move_up = to_insert;				// push up inserted data
		else				// data from child 2
			new_child = new node23<Type>;
			new_child->child[2] = NULL;
			new_child->data[1] = NULL;

			new_child->data[0] = to_insert;
			new_child->child[1] = below_child;
			new_child->child[0] = root->child[2];
			root->child[2] = NULL;

			move_up = root->data[1];			// push up data 2
			root->data[1] = NULL;

		return move_up;

// Return a data pushed up
template<class type>
type* Tree23_insert_at_node(const type & insert, node23<Type>*& root, node23<Type>*& new_child)
	if (root)
		if (insert < *(root->data[0]))
			if (root->data[1])				// node has 2 data, move up 1st data
				new_child = new node23<Type>;
				new_child->child[0] = new_child->child[1] = new_child->child[2] = NULL;
				new_child->data[1] = NULL;
				type* move_up = root->data[0];
				root->data[0] = new type;
				*(root->data[0]) = insert;
				new_child->data[0] = root->data[1];		// 2nd data (large) move to new child node
				root->data[1] = NULL;
				return move_up;
			else			// node has 1 data, insert at 1st
				root->data[1] = root->data[0];
				root->data[0] = new type;
				*(root->data[0]) = insert;
			if (root->data[1])				// node has 2 data, move up middle data
				new_child = new node23<Type>;
				new_child->child[0] = new_child->child[1] = new_child->child[2] = NULL;
				new_child->data[1] = NULL;
				type* move_up;

				if (insert < *(root->data[1]))		// move up insert data
					move_up = new type;
					*(move_up) = insert;
					new_child->data[0] = root->data[1];		// 2nd data (large) move to new child node
					root->data[1] = NULL;
				else											// move up 2nd data
					new_child->data[0] = new type;
					*(new_child->data[0]) = insert;			// inserted data (large) move to new child node
					move_up = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = NULL;

				return move_up;
			else			// node has 1 data, insert at 2nd
				root->data[1] = new type;
				*(root->data[1]) = insert;
	else			// 1st node
		root = new node23<Type>;
		root->data[0] = new type;
		*(root->data[0]) = insert;
		root->data[1] = NULL;
		root->child[0] = root->child[1] = root->child[2] = NULL;

	return NULL;		// done on insert


Delete a data from a 2-3 tree



1. Find the first data to be deleted.
2. If it is a parent node, replace it with the left most of its right subtree.
3. If it is a leaf node, and contain 2 data, done.
4. Else, back to parent, do data redistribution.
5. If that is still not worked, back to next parent, do node merging.


There are 5 functions for this operations:

1. Wrapper function containing an indicator to do nodes redistribution and nodes merging.

2. Recursive traversal function.

3. Remove and supply a smallest inorder successor.

4. Redistribute function for redistributing the data between this parent and its leave data. Cases:

  • Child 0 is empty, then
    move data 0 down
    move child 1 up
    move data 1 down
    move child 2 up
  • Child 1 is empty, then
    check out child 0
    then check parent data 1
    then check child 2
  • Child 2 is empty, then
    only need to check child 1

5. Merging function for merging nodes. Cases:

  • Merge node from child 0 if
    – child 1 is 2 data
    – parent is 2 data
    – child 1 and parent is 1 data
  • Merge node from child 1 if
    – child 0 is 2 data
    – parent is 2 data
    – child 0 and parent is 1 data
  • Merge node from child 2 if
    – child 1 is 2 data
    – child 1 is 1 data


// Return if it succeed to delete a target data
template<class type>
bool Tree23_delete(const type & to_delete, node23<Type>*& root)
	bool done = 0;			// indicate whether redistribution and merging are done for rebalancing the tree
	return Tree23_delete(to_delete, root, root, done);

Recursive function of tree23 delete

Return if it succeed to delete a target data
template<class type>
bool Tree23_delete(const type & to_delete, node23<Type>*& root, node23<Type> *& parent, bool &done)
	bool result = 0;
	if (root)
		if (to_delete == *(root->data[0]))  // to be deleted in data 0
			result = 1;
			if (root->child[1])		// node to be deleted is a parent node 
				done = Tree23_remove_supply_smallest(root->data[0], root->child[1], root);

				// at least the distribution had done, or more merge had done on this root node
				// root as the parent, had done a merge, here will need to do once before back to previous level
				if (!done)		// had a data deleted, not done, only do node merging
					done = Tree23_merge(parent, root);
			else									// data to be deleted is in a leaf node
				if (root->data[1])			// 2 data in this node, 
					delete root->data[0];
					root->data[0] = root->data[1];
					root->data[1] = NULL;
					done = 1;
				else			//  1 data in this leaf node
					delete root->data[0];
					root->data[0] = NULL;
					done = Tree23_data_distribute(parent);		// 0 data in this node, do data distribution on parent
		else if (root->data[1] && to_delete == *(root->data[1]))			// to be deleted in data 1
			result = 1;
			if (root->child[1])		// node to be deleted is a parent node 
				done = Tree23_remove_supply_smallest(root->data[1], root->child[2], root);
				// at least the distribution had done, or more merge had done on this root node
			else							// data to be deleted is in a leaf node, 2 data in this node
				delete root->data[1];
				root->data[1] = NULL;
				done = 1;
		else if (to_delete < *(root->data[0]))		// go left
			result = Tree23_delete(to_delete, root->child[0], root, done);
			if (result && !done)		// had a data deleted, not done, only do node merging
				done = Tree23_merge(parent, root);
		else if(!(root->data[1]) || to_delete < *(root->data[1]))		// go middle
			result = Tree23_delete(to_delete, root->child[1], root, done);
			if (result && !done)		// had a data deleted, not done, only do node merging
				done = Tree23_merge(parent, root);
		else			// go right
			result = Tree23_delete(to_delete, root->child[2], root, done);
			if (result && !done)		// had a data deleted, not done, only do node merging
				done = Tree23_merge(parent, root);

	return result;

Remove the smallest item and supply it back by parameter

replace with the left most node of the root's right subtree (take out 1 from right)

Return whether all the works has been done
template<class type>
bool Tree23_remove_supply_smallest(type *&receive, node23<Type>* &root, node23<Type> *& parent)
	if (root)
		if (root->child[0])
			bool done = Tree23_remove_supply_smallest(receive, root->child[0], root);
			if (!done)		// distribution still not work, or after one or more merge still not work 
				return Tree23_merge(parent, root);		// do node merging

			return done;
		else			// end leaf
			delete receive;
			receive = root->data[0];
			root->data[0] = NULL;
			if (root->data[1])			// 2 data in this node 
				root->data[0] = root->data[1];
				root->data[1] = NULL;
				return 1;
			return Tree23_data_distribute(parent);		// 1 data in this node, do data distribution on parent

	return 0;

Redistribute the data between this parent and its leave data

One of its three children is empty when call this fnc

return 1 if is done here
return 0 if not done yet

Return whether all the works has been done
template<class type>
bool Tree23_data_distribute(node23<Type>* &parent)
	if (parent->child[0])		// has children
		if (!(parent->child[0]->data[0]))		// child 0 is empty
			parent->child[0]->data[0] = parent->data[0];		// move data-0 down
			parent->data[0] = parent->child[1]->data[0];		// move child 1 up

			if (parent->child[1]->data[1])		// child 1 has 2 data
				parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->child[1]->data[1];
				parent->child[1]->data[1] = NULL;
				return 1;

			// child-1 has 1 data
			if (parent->data[1])		// parent has 2 data
				parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->data[1];		// move data 1 down
				parent->data[1] = parent->child[2]->data[0];		// move child 2 data 0 up

				if (parent->child[2]->data[1])		// child 2 has 2 data
					parent->child[2]->data[0] = parent->child[2]->data[1];
					parent->child[2]->data[1] = NULL;
				else			// child 2 has 1 data, parent has 2 data, move data 1 down to child 1
					delete parent->child[2];
					parent->child[2] = NULL;
					parent->child[1]->data[1] = parent->data[1];
					parent->data[1] = NULL;

				return 1;

			// not yet done (only data 0 and child 1 data 0)
			// move data 0 down
			// conbine two data to one node
			parent->child[0]->data[1] = parent->data[0];
			delete parent->child[1];
			node23<Type> *del = parent;
			parent = parent->child[0];
			delete del;

			return 0;
		else if (!(parent->child[1]->data[0]))		// child 1 is empty
			if (parent->child[0]->data[1])		// child 0 has 2 data
				parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->data[0];
				parent->data[0] = parent->child[0]->data[1];
				parent->child[0]->data[1] = NULL;
				return 1;

			// child 0 has 1 data
			if (parent->data[1])		// parent has 2 data
				if (parent->child[2]->data[1])		// parent child 2 has 2 data
					parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->data[1];
					parent->data[1] = parent->child[2]->data[0];
					parent->child[2]->data[0] = parent->child[2]->data[1];
					parent->child[2]->data[1] = NULL;
				else		// parent child 2 has 1 data
					parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->data[1];
					parent->child[1]->data[1] = parent->child[2]->data[0];
					parent->data[1] = NULL;
					delete parent->child[2];
					parent->child[2] = NULL;
				return 1;

			// not yet done (only data 0 and child 0 data 0)
			// move data 0 down
			// conbine two data to one node
			parent->child[0]->data[1] = parent->data[0];
			delete parent->child[1];
			node23<Type> *del = parent;
			parent = parent->child[0];
			delete del;

			return 0;
		else				// child 2 is empty, parent has 2 data
			if (parent->child[1]->data[1])		// parent child 1 has 2 data
				parent->child[2]->data[0] = parent->data[1];
				parent->data[1] = parent->child[1]->data[1];
				parent->child[1]->data[1] = NULL;
			else		// parent child 1 has 1 data
				parent->child[1]->data[1] = parent->data[1];
				parent->data[1] = NULL;
				delete parent->child[2];
				parent->child[2] = NULL;
			return 1;
	else			// last node
		delete parent;
		parent = NULL;
		return 1;

After distribution, not done yet, do node merging

return 1 if is done here
return 0 if not done yet

Return whether all the works has been done
template<class type>
bool Tree23_merge(node23<Type>* &parent, node23<Type>* root)
	if (parent == root)
		return 1;

	if (parent->child[0] == root)			// node need to merge from child 0
		if (parent->child[1]->data[1])		// child 1 has 2 data
			node23<Type>* child0 = new node23<Type>;
			child0->data[1] = NULL;
			child0->child[2] = NULL;

			child0->child[0] = parent->child[0];
			parent->child[0] = child0;
			child0->child[1] = parent->child[1]->child[0];
			child0->data[0] = parent->data[0];
			parent->data[0] = parent->child[1]->data[0];
			parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->child[1]->data[1];
			parent->child[1]->data[1] = NULL;
			parent->child[1]->child[0] = parent->child[1]->child[1];
			parent->child[1]->child[1] = parent->child[1]->child[2];
			parent->child[1]->child[2] = NULL;
			return 1;
		else if (parent->data[1])			// child 1 has 1 data, parent has 2 data
			parent->child[1]->data[1] = parent->child[1]->data[0];
			parent->child[1]->data[0] = parent->data[0];
			parent->child[1]->child[2] = parent->child[1]->child[1];
			parent->child[1]->child[1] = parent->child[1]->child[0];
			parent->child[1]->child[0] = parent->child[0];

			parent->data[0] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = NULL;
			parent->child[0] = parent->child[1];
			parent->child[1] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = NULL;
			return 1;
		else			// child 1 has 1 data, parent has 1 data
			node23<Type> *del = parent->child[1];
			parent->data[1] = del->data[0];
			parent->child[1] = del->child[0];
			parent->child[2] = del->child[1];
			delete del;

			return 0;		// height reduced, not done
	else if (parent->child[1] == root)		// node need to merge from child 1
		if (parent->child[0]->data[1])		// child 0 has 2 data
			node23<Type>* child1 = new node23<Type>;
			child1->data[1] = NULL;
			child1->child[2] = NULL;

			child1->child[1] = parent->child[1];
			child1->child[0] = parent->child[0]->child[2];
			parent->child[1] = child1;
			child1->data[0] = parent->data[0];
			parent->data[0] = parent->child[0]->data[1];
			parent->child[0]->data[1] = NULL;
			parent->child[0]->child[2] = NULL;

			return 1;
		else if (parent->data[1])       // child 0 has 1 data, parent has 2 data
			parent->child[0]->data[1] = parent->data[0];
			parent->data[0] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = NULL;
			parent->child[0]->child[2] = parent->child[1];
			parent->child[1] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = NULL;
			return 1;
		else        // child 0 has 1 data, parent has 1 data
			node23<Type> *del = parent->child[0];
			parent->data[1] = parent->data[0];
			parent->data[0] = del->data[0];
			parent->child[2] = parent->child[1];
			parent->child[1] = del->child[1];
			parent->child[0] = del->child[0];
			delete del;

			return 0;       // height reduced, not done
	else        // node need to merge from child 2
		if (parent->child[1]->data[1])		// child 1 has 2 data
			node23<Type>* child2 = new node23<Type>;
			child2->data[1] = NULL;
			child2->child[2] = NULL;

			child2->child[1] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = child2;
			child2->child[0] = parent->child[1]->child[2];
			parent->child[1]->child[2] = NULL;

			child2->data[0] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = parent->child[1]->data[1];
			parent->child[1]->data[1] = NULL;
			return 1;
		else        // child 1 has 1 data, parent has 2 data
			parent->child[1]->data[1] = parent->data[1];
			parent->data[1] = NULL;

			parent->child[1]->child[2] = parent->child[2];
			parent->child[2] = NULL;
			return 1;



AUTHOR : kanra
EMAIL : karawakara@gmail.com
Working on Networking, Web Development, Software Development, Server-side deployment. Having fun on doing experiments on new technologies.